The Ultimate Guide to a Successful Colon Broom.

The Ultimate Guide to a Successful Colon Broom.

Colonic broom is a popular procedure to remove waste from your colon and improve digestion. It may be performed by a medical doctor or healthcare professional, or you can do it yourself at home.

A colon broom is an enema that has a high concentration of water and other ingredients designed to cleanse your digestive tract. The most common ingredients used in colon cleansers are magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium phosphate and Epsom salt.

Colon broom have been used for thousands of years as part of traditional medicine. In recent years they have become more popular as part of alternative medicine because they are believed to help with several health problems including constipation and Candida albicans infection.

Colon broom is not recommended for everyone since it can be very uncomfortable and even painful if done incorrectly or too frequently. It should only be performed under the supervision of a doctor or nurse due to the risk of bowel perforation (where the walls of the bowel tear).


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