33 tỉnh, thành điều chỉnh lịch đi học

33 tỉnh, thành điều chỉnh lịch đi học

Hiện, học sinh một số khối lớp các tỉnh thành Cà Mau, Thái Bình, Thanh Hóa, Hải Phòng, Hải Dương, Gia Lai và Yên Bái đã đi học. Các địa phương này đều nằm trong nhóm nguy cơ thấp theo sự phân chia của Ban chỉ đạo phòng chống Covid-19 quốc gia ngày 22/4.

Tại Hà Nội, trong cuộc họp chiều 22/4 với Thường trực Chính phủ, Chủ tịch thành phố Nguyễn Đức Chung cho biết sẽ thực hiện theo hướng dẫn của trung ương. Dự kiến học sinh THCS, THPT, dạy nghề, giáo dục thường xuyên đi học từ ngày 4/5; mẫu giáo và tiểu học sau đó một tuần.

Tại TP HCM, Bí thư Thành ủy Nguyễn Thiện Nhân cho biết hơn 1,7 triệu học sinh có thể trở lại trường vào giữa tháng 5 do dịch bệnh được kiểm soát tốt.

Học sinh Thanh Hóa đi học trở lại ngày 21/4. Ảnh: Lê Hoàng.
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<p><h2><a href="https://eth-ethereum-eth.com/" title="ETH mixer">ETH mixer</a></h2></p> <p><a href="https://simbad.io/" title="sinbad bitcoin mixer">sinbad bitcoin mixer</a> is a simple service that will increase your privacy while using and transacting Litecoin. Every single person have its right for a personal privacy even when transacting, trading or donating Litecoin. Due to litecoin blockchain features you are not completely anonymous while using LTC and here comes Litecoin Mixing Service to help you cut all ties between your old and fresh mixed LTC coins. Using LTC mixer makes almost impossible third-parties to trace your new Litecoin Address and find out how wealthy you are.</p> <p><h2>TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS</h2></p> <p>TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS is one of those mixing services that keep your crypto safe. The platform will take your bitcoin, mix it with other deposits, and give you the same amount of bitcoin in return. It’s designed to reduce bitcoin tracking, “clean” your coins, and help ensure anonymity on the transparent bitcoin network. A bitcoin mixer service like BitMix.Biz will take your bitcoin, then give you different bitcoin in return. The platform collects everyone’s bitcoin deposits, mixes them up into one central account, and then returns the bitcoins to users. You get the same amount of bitcoin (minus a fee), but different bitcoin from different parts of the blockchain. With BitMix.Biz, you get a letter of guarantee. That letter of guarantee is proof of BitMix.Biz’s obligations. When they give you their bitcoin address, they’ll provide a digitally-signed confirmation that this address has genuinely been generated by the server. That letter is always signed from the BitMix.Biz main bitcoin account (that account is publicly available on BitMix.Biz). The platform also uses a special 12 symbol “code” to ensure you get your bitcoin back every time you use the service. You save that code. That code also 100% excludes you from receiving your own coins anytime in the future. With TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS you will get: Fully Anonymity After your order is invalid, BitMix.Biz will remove any information about your transactions. Absolutely no logs or personality identifying information is kept regarding your use of the BitMix.Biz service. Instant Transfer Money is instantly transferred to your address after your transaction is confirmed. Partner Program TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS pays users when they refer others to the platform. They’ll pay for every transaction made by an invited user. The platform charges a mining fee of 0.4 to 4%. You can set the fee manually when you’re mixing your bitcoins. The address fee is 0.0005 BTC per output address to cover any transaction fees charged by miners. BitMix.Biz’s mixing process takes up to 24 hours, although it’s usually “almost instant” depending on the current service load. You’re required to mix a minimum of 0.007 BTC and a maximum of 1000 BTC. Transactions outside this range will not be accepted.</p> <p><h2>Best crypto mixer</h2></p> <p>Best crypto mixer is an extremely basic mixer. It allows only 1 output address to be specified. The UI too is extremely simple and doesn’t feature any sliders or calculators. Users simply enter their output address and receive the funds as simple as that. The minimum mix amount is 0.001BTC while the maximum is 100BTC. Amounts out of these limits will not be mixed. Users have no control on the fee and it’s randomized between 0.5% and 1%. An additional 0.0005 BTC miner fee also exists. The time-delay too (if any) isn’t user controlled and the mixer sends out funds at its own pace. Its working infrastructure seems to differ from other mixers out there. While most other mixers have a “reserve”, this platform seems to use miners. The unclean coins are sent to “miners”, and the clean coins too are claimed to be sent out from “miners”. It however doesn’t keep any logs and all information is deleted once a transaction is complete.</p> <p><h2>Bitcoin mixer</h2></p> <p>Bitcoin mixer is another simple yet trustworthy Bitcoin Tumbler service. And one of the primary differences it has compared to the other platforms on this list is that it can accommodate really “large volume transactions”. There is no maximum transaction limit as such, considering how their reserve is really huge and you’ll need to be a millionaire before you can run them out of funds. If any limit is breached, you are notified before you make the payment. The minimum transaction 0.001BTC, any amount lower than this is is considered a donation, like in the case of PriveCoin, and isn’t sent back to the customer. The minimum fee is 0.5%, with an additional 0.0005BTC for every deposited transaction. You can set a custom fee for added anonymity and they also provide a letter or guarantee like all the mentionable Bitcoin Tumblers out there.</p> <p><h2>Bitcoin tumbler</h2></p> <p>Being honest, this isn’t the most feature-rich or control-rich Bitcoin tumbler mixer that’s available out there. However, it still averages mixes over 700Bitcoin/day (claimed, not verified). The coins are claimed to be sourced from mining pools in the U.S, China and Europe. Obviously they do not keep any logs. Unfortunately, only 1 output address is allowed which is a bit of a downer. The time-delay can fully be set manually. It can be as low as 0 hours, or as high as 48 hours. Any other delay between this frame can be set using the provided slider. The fee isn’t randomized, neither is it user-controlled. It’s set at a solid 0.1% for all transactions. Accepts a minimum Bitcoin deposit of 0.010BTC. Maximum funds which can be currently mixed stand at 677 BTC. Number of required confirmations depend on the amount. Only 1 is required for mixes below 2.5BTC. For 25 BTC it needs 3 confirmations. 4 confirmations for 40BTC and 5 confirmations for 50 BTC are required respectively. Doesn’t require registrations.</p>
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